Notizie Da Elcomsoft

16 June, 2020

iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.20: filling the gaps

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.20 fills the gaps for jailbreak-free extraction of previously unsupported versions of iOS. The new release expands the availability of the extraction agent all the way back to the original iOS 10.0, while adding compatibility for previously unsupported versions of iOS 12 on the iPhone 5s and 6.

11 June, 2020

ElcomSoft Phone Breaker 9.60 and Elcomsoft Phone Viewer 5.10 streamline iCloud data analysis

Elcomsoft Phone Breaker 9.60 streamlines access to iCloud data, breaking down the 17 types of iCloud synced data, the content of iCloud Drive and iCloud backups, into three large groups. By accessing the categories via three distinct groups, experts will be able to save time by analyzing the available information faster.

8 June, 2020

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.10: jailbreaking all the way

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.10 delivers major improvements to jailbreak-based extraction, now offering keychain acquisition and file system extraction for iOS 13.5, 13.4.1, 13.4 and 13.3.1 with unc0ver v5, as well as keychain acquisition and file system extraction for iOS 13.5 and 13.5.1 with checkra1n. Jailbreak-based acquisition engine received a major overhaul, now offering greater than ever speed and stability.

27 May, 2020

Forensic Disk Decryptor 2.12 and System Recovery 7.04 Display File System Data, Expand VeraCrypt Support

Elcomsoft releases two product updates. Forensic Disk Decryptor 2.12 can display file system data and adds VeraCrypt support for GPT partitions, while System Recovery 7.04 can discover plaintext passwords for cached domain credentials and also shows file system data.

26 May, 2020

iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.0: jailbreak-free extraction for iOS 11 through 13.4.1

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.0 offers direct, forensically sound extraction for Apple devices running all versions of iOS from iOS 11 through iOS 13.4.1 without a jailbreak. This release adds full file system extraction support for the latest iOS builds including iOS 13.3.1, 13.4, and 13.4.1 for the iPhone 6s, 7, 8, X, Xr/Xs, 11, and 11 Pro generation devices (including the corresponding Plus and Max versions), as well as latest iPhone SE.

21 May, 2020

Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery 4.21 updated with stronger privacy control, breaks Mozilla Firefox master password

Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery 4.21 adds support for Mozilla Firefox master passwords, enabling accelerated attacks on the Firefox password storage database. In addition, we offer stricter privacy control, enabling EDPR to perform attacks on tiny files that only contain encryption metadata extracted from Microsoft Office, Open Document, Apple iWork, Hancom and Adobe Acrobat documents without any of the actual content.

12 May, 2020

iOS Forensic Toolkit 5.50: iPhone extraction simplified

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 5.50 features a new communication channel empowering the tool’s acquisition engine. The newly designed communication channel offers faster and more robust extractions and simplifies the acquisition process by removing the need of disabling wireless connectivity.

5 May, 2020

Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer 2.31 extracts more of Google Dashboard

Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer 2.31 expands support for Google Dashboard data. In this release, Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer expands the number of categories and the amount of data obtained from Google Dashboard, extracting significantly more information than ever before.

29 April, 2020

Elcomsoft Phone Viewer 5.0 displays Telegram secret chats

Elcomsoft Phone Viewer can now display the complete conversation history in Telegram, one of the world’s most popular messaging apps. All types of chats are supported including secret chat sessions complete with attachments.

28 April, 2020

Elcomsoft System Recovery update: enhanced password extraction and account recovery algorithms

We updated Elcomsoft System Recovery, a Windows PE-based tool to recover or reset passwords to local Windows accounts and Microsoft accounts in all versions of Windows. Elcomsoft System Recovery now utilizes an enhanced, smarter and significantly more efficient algorithms for recovering account passwords.